Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A typical day - GO Animate

GO Animate

A typical day.......

As we wrote discussed this in class and made animations for our "typical day", I begun to realize my constant need to always be connected. I started writing a "script" for my video. The script contained the basic routines I generally go through as I prepare for my day. I soon realized that I rely too heavily on the technology in my life. When I get up, I check my phone. I then check my computer. Before I even get out of bed, I have checked my phone and laptop to make sure I didn't "miss" anything. I cannot believe how attached I am to those things. I then get ready for the day and occasionally check my phone for any updates. 

Is this a way to live a life? In the book I read, Natural Born Cyborgs,  it talks about always being somewhere else. You can be physically present in a room, but actually connected somewhere else. Is this what has become of us? Do we live most of our lives virtually? And, is that okay? I really don't think there is a "right" or "wrong" answer to that question. I think that everyone's circumstance is different and we have no right to judge others. In my own personal life, I do see a dependence on technology and how I function. Even as I write this, I wonder if I could take a technology break? Could I not use the internet for a week? Too be honest, it gives me anxiety to actually test that out. Is that a sign that I am actually "addicted" to the technology I use everyday? Is that like an addiction to food or water, where it is "okay"? 

I guess it all depends on what you use it for and if we maintain a balance in all things we do. Just like too much food can be bad for us, so can too much technology. I think it is up to each individual to decide when enough is enough. As far as taking a technology break, I am actually intrigued by the idea, and would love to take a sample population (that was willing), to see their experience before, during, and after. What would happen? Would it change their views of technology causing them to step back? Would changes be made? What would people realize and find after doing an experiment like this?

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